SPIRIVA HandiHaler

Art Director | Teamed with Mary Jo Furnbach, VP, Associate Creative Director | Draftfcb Helthcare, New York

On the left is one of three direct mail pieces I designed, and collaborated on with Mary Jo Furnbach. "Smoking Words" is a depiction of symptom that a patient experiences. The patient profile poster was ship in a poster tube disguised as cigarette. The direct mail piece was designed to demonstrate how the SPIRIVA HandiHaler improved the lung function in a patient, the chart the showing the improvement.

SPIRIVA HandiHaler Art Director | 2006-2008 Redesigned Ad's to fit prescription pads, with pocket size journal essential up-to-date information for patient. Also originated lead concept of photo shoot for the SPIRIVA "To Do:" list campaign, and responsible for various project and collateral pieces that followed this same look.

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